This tickle tale begins with two roommates, Dahvia and Chloe. Dahvia is tricked into becoming Mistress Chloe’s tied tickle slave for life. The girls have an argument over the phone bill, and Dahvia is soon captured and handcuffed by Chloe, who relentlessly tickles Dahvia’s most ticklish spots. Dahvia is then tied with her arms above her head, dressed only in a bikini, while Chloe inflicts more tickle torture to Dahvia’s armpits, ribs, and stomach. She is gagged to silence her squeals from Chloe’s expert tickling fingers. Dahvia can’t do anything on her own. Chloe has to feed Dahvia with her hands cuffed behind her back. She even cuffs her to the bed and night and tickles her to sleep. Chloe wakes her with tickling in the morning. It seems this will go on forever, until one day, Chloe lets Dahvia tie her up and tickle her! 40 min. |